Eight Steps to Improved Pharmacy Operations – Converting to the PrimeRx Software System
Whitepaper | Learn more about how best to approach technology migration in your pharmacy. | Sponsored
Pharmacists hardly need to be reminded of their heavy workloads, but what is surprising, is the apparent reluctance by many to take advantage of technology-based solutions that could help improve efficiency. Solutions like real-time prescription benefit reviews, electronic vouchers, automated reporting, and refills management, to name a few. These solutions exist, but many pharmacies do not take advantage.
Pharmacists are not alone in their apparent reluctance to wholeheartedly embrace technology. Research by Alliance Tech found a “whopping 94% of businesses don’t leverage the software they purchase,” with a separate survey finding that 40% of small business owners “failed to see the relevance” of technology to their organization.
Whitepaper: Solving The Challenges of Technology Conversion
There are several reasons for this reluctance, including:
Integration Issues
Time and Training
Check out this white paper from PrimeRx to learn more about how best to approach technology migration in your pharmacy.
Learn about eight steps that can be completed quickly and with minimal disruption to pharmacy operations, including:
Deciding on PrimeRx
Pre-Implementation Planning
Data Migration
System Configuration
System Testing and Retesting
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